Bryan Wolfmueller was on Issues, Etc., last week and ended up talking about ex corde prayer. Ex Corde prayers are prayers “from the heart.” They are often juxtaposed against written or corporate prayers. Anyway, he ended up considering four dangers of ex corde prayer, and I found them very interesting.
This is not to say you can’t pray ex corde. It is to suggest that prayer life has plenty of room for written & extemporaneous prayers and individual and corporate prayers. Ex corde doesn’t “trump” or cover all the bases.
The four dangers he listed:
- Our pain & joy can be too small. (Interesting thought!)
- Pagan problem: “They think they are heard for their many words.”
- Pharisee Problem: Praying on a corner to be seen by all.
- No corporate prayer: if you are “all ex corde,” you are always praying alone.
Anyway, listen here. I found it broadening rather than narrowing. You know?
PS. I’m still waiting on my proof copy of Trinity for Tots. This seems to be taking FOREVER. <Sigh>