Blessed Memorial Day! Wishing you well! Today CPH releases the latest in the Concordia Commentary series: Zechariah by Dr. Reed Lessing!
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Filed under New Release
The Formula of Concord: The Epitome and Solid Declaration
The Formula of Concord: The Epitome and Solid Declaration (The Concordia Reader’s Edition) (The Concordia Reader’s Edition) Paperback – May 28, 2021
The Formula of Concord discusses and settles various theological controversies that arose during the Reformation. It provided unity and concord on the solid base of Holy Scripture. This edition includes the editor’s introductions, notes, and woodcuts found in Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, Second Edition.
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What’s Lost?
TOMORROW is the release day for What’s Lost? A Pastor Stephen Grant Short Story. Yep. Book 15! This one is another short story.
Filed under New Release
Kintz Retires
Wow! I just found out that Dr. Bruce Kintz retires from serving as President & CEO of Concordia Publishing House after 15 years (or 22 years)!
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Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to me! Buy my books and leave reviews! Ha ha haa
Seriously, we’ve had family in town for my oldest daughter’s confirmation so I’m taking a little blogging break. Sure is good to be with those we’ve been parted from! I’m so thankful it’s safer to gather with family now than it has been. I’m also just overflowing with joy that my Elizabeth is confirmed! Thanks be to God!
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Falsehood and Fallacy
Lutheran author and scholar Bethany Kilcrease has just released a very important book: Falsehood and Fallacy: how to Think, Read, and Write in the Twenty-First Century.
Filed under New Release
Lutheran teachers for 2021-2022
I’d like to gather names of Lutheran teachers for 2021-2022. More specifically (because we have HUGE NUMBERS of Lutheran teachers), I’m looking for Lutherans teaching (a la cart) online classes or offering online tutoring options.
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State of the Arts
Today’s post is a review of Gene Veith’s book, State of the Arts: From Bezalel to Mapplethorpe. 🙂
Filed under Reviews
An Amish Surprise (Berlin Bookmobile Series)
Today is the release date for An Amish Surprise, Book 2 of the Berlin Bookmobile Series by Lutheran author—and New York Times and USA Today bestselling author—Shelley Shephard Gray. 🙂
Filed under New Release
LW in 2021: Part 2
Great news! Lutheran Witness editor Rev. Roy Askins just posted an article, Write for LW in 2021: Part 2, giving us writers a heads’ up for article themes in the second half of the year!
Filed under Writing Opportunities