Lutheran author Sharon Hinck has a new release: Windward Shore, Book 3 of The Dancing Realms series.
Monthly Archives: May 2021
Windward Shore
Filed under New Release
On These Black Sands
So, I’m not having the easiest of transitions between homeschooling and summer. I just can’t get on top of what I’m supposed to be doing. My solution? Read the preview copy of Lutheran author Vanessa Rasanen‘s upcoming release, On These Black Sands. 🙂
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2021 Summer Reading
Ok, who’s starting lists for 2021 Summer Reading? CPH is! Their CPH Reads program will run from June 1st through August 13, 2021. Plus, I found a neat list supplied by Dr. Geoffrey Boyle (He’s a Lutheran pastor in Wichita, KS.).
Filed under Resource
Trinity for Tots – Again!
Overall, I’ve had a good experience with self-publishing. Would I rather be traditionally published? YES! But self-publishing is a really good option for niche books. Anyway, I’m blogging about Trinity for Tots again because I’m finally getting my author copies! I ordered so many I had to wait extra long for printing & delivery, but now I can say, although Amazon released sooner, today I get to release Trinity for Tots! So buy now and get it in time for Trinity Sunday! 😀
Filed under My projects
Forgotten Lattes
Here’s a neat and time-appropriate find! A Lutheran blogger who focuses on C-section recovery support for moms! It’s called Forgotten Lattes. Know anyone who could use this?
I know that when I had my twins via an emergency C-section, I was WAY unprepared. Even had complications following it because I just wasn’t taking care of myself. So, tuck this website away somewhere in case you or someone you know can benefit from it. 🙂
Jenn, keep up the great work!
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500th Anniversary of the Reformation Coloring Book
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Musician’s Prayers
I’d like to come up with some musician’s prayers to be prayed before accompanying service. Care to share your own with me? 🙂
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12-Minute Prayer Challenge
Want to hear something awesome? Lutheran author Ruth Meyer contacted me with a super neat 12-Minute Prayer Challenge!
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Trinity for Tots Endorsements
As you know, I’ve recently released Trinity for Tots. 🙂 Since it’s self-published, that puts all the more emphasis on having really solid Trinity for Tots endorsements! Thankfully, I think these happily qualify:
Filed under My projects
Frosting insecurities
It’s that time of the year: I’m quickly spent. I just want the school year done for a while, but my various projects just aren’t in a position to coast while I rest. Plus now I’m suffering from frosting insecurities.
Filed under Writer's Life