If I’m remembering correctly, the CPH Reads summer program started yesterday. Good thing I have lots of book recommendations for your summer reading! Including The Bulletproof Missionary by Keriz Rosado, book 3 of 6 in The Missionaries to America series by Mission Nation Publishing, a Lutheran organization I blogged about a while ago. I review it below.
To learn more about the organization, or to buy directly from them rather than Amazon, here you go. (They’ve published a total of eleven books in the last five years!)
The Bulletproof Missionary Review
I knew this book was about a man who grew up in North Korea, snuck into South Korea while still a child, and then became a Christian professor, despite a non-Christian background. I knew it was about war and near escapes. With that in mind, I waited to read this book for a while, bracing myself in case the book was overly intense for my state of mind. No need! Great book! Highly recommend!
This book is a very readable, relatable, humane account about an inspirational man and God’s surprising provision and protection. Did I cry? Yes. Was there violence and loss? Absolutely. But I’ll have my teens read this book when they learn about the Korean War.
To my delight, there is an additional resource—a study guide—to facilitate conversation & consideration! The study guide is available for sale on Amazon, but you may also want to check out Mission Nation Publishing’s homeschool page as that may help you determine the next book from that company you get for yourself and your family.
Once or twice I wondered if I was supposed to have associations with names that I didn’t have, but the story was complete even without that.
It was just over 200 pages with largish text. I could hardly tear myself away. Mission Nation has found a great niche to fill, raising awareness of men and women who have come to America from diverse backgrounds with the Gospel of Christ in their mouths. Thanks be to God!