Hello! I’m a little behind on blogging (because I have reviews to write but I haven’t gotten into the right mood for that yet). 🙂 So instead of following my plan, I’m going to try to make more of a 2021 summer reading plan.
I know there are still a lot of Lutheran books I should read and review. I know. (My To Read shelf won’t let me forget.) I plan to get to them, but for now my list revolves around reading in general. I’ll slip Lutheran books in as suits my mood.
Perhaps oddly I’m in a more serious mood, for serious literature and non-fiction. <Shrug> Not my usual summer temperament, but I’ll take it!
Anyway, I read Eugene Vodolozkin’s Laurus and it was absolutely tremendous. Serious literature about a gifted (Eastern) Orthodox man. Really quite amazing!
I read Socrates Meets Jesus by Peter Kreeft.
Now I’m reading TH White’s The Once and Future King, which will go on future summer reading lists for the kids!
I’m tempted to try to reread either The Iliad and The Odyssey or The Aeneid, but I’m not sure I want to prioritize that right now.
Maybe The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius? Eusebius’ Church History? Along those lines, I do plan to go through some early church readings from here, which is both a reading list and reading spreadsheet that is inspiring!
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Maybe War and Peace?
Then I’ve also got Aidan Kavanagh’s On Liturgical Theology, Shusaku Endo’s Silence: A Novel, Heaven is my Fatherland: The Life and Work of Michael Praetorius, and Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA that Challenges Evolution.
Eclectic, I know, and to me it seems a pretty hard-core, ambitious list. But if I burn out and turn to some pulp fiction, I still will have read through some of them. 🙂 Right?
I do hope to get a lot of writing done this summer. I have two projects in mind that would work as either books or homeschool curriculum and I’m really stoked about them.
By the way, Amazon is having a buy 3 books for the price of 2 sale. Unfortunately, Kindle books seem to be excluded.
Happy reading & writing!

Have you read Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Unset?. Lars Walker and Anthony Esolen have written about this book.
Fantastic idea! I should at least get it on my to read list!