This past week a Lutheran writer contacted me about his first published book! Yay! I love it when that happens! Robert George’s book From Love Zero to Love 360: God’s Unconditional Love for Us, and Our Love for Him, Ourselves, and One Another was just published in January of this year.
Here is the Amazon blurb:
God created us to be loved and to love. He couldn’t have done any differently because that’s His nature: “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16). But in this fallen world, our tendency is to drift away from Him and His nature. While God’s love for us is steadfast, we often resist receiving and giving love the way that God intended. Sadly, many of us have forgotten what true love is and what it feels like.
True love – often referred to as unconditional love – blossoms when the giver recognizes the inherent value of the recipient of their love. Thus, it should come as no surprise that God lavishes each of us with unparalleled unconditional love. It’s no surprise because who knows our inherent value better than God Himself? After all, He created us! God does not withhold His love, waiting for us to believe in Him or otherwise “get our act together.” God loves us throughout our journey. Being loved despite our flaws is the very essence of what it means to be loved unconditionally. What does this feel like? … There are infinite manifestations, but all are synonyms of unadulterated joy.
And how do we respond? Do we accept God’s love for ourselves, and then conveniently disregard the inherent value of everyone else? I sincerely hope not, as Jesus teaches, “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
The focus of From Love Zero to Love 360 is to survey the breathtaking topography of God’s nature to love each of us, and to encourage us likewise to recognize the inherent value of every person, not the least of whom is ourselves.
(All net proceeds from the sale of this book are given to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and potentially additional nonprofit organizations having similar goals.)
Emphasis added. I look forward to seeing this book, though I may get it and sit on it a little while. If you would be so kind, could you say a prayer that I sit down and work on my latest project? I really want it finished this summer and I think it will be a resource to serve the church.