I’m pleased to tell you that Lutheran poet Kathryn Ann Hill has released another book, Tree of Life: Sixty Poems from Twelve Years!
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Tree of Life: Sixty Poems from Twelve Years
Filed under New Release, Poetry
Dumb but True
(Sorry. Another scheduled post didn’t post and I didn’t catch it. Sigh.) Dumb but true. I’ve had a busy few weeks, both for happy reasons—my parents’ 50th wedding celebration!!!!! Yay yay yay yay—sad reasons—an unexpected death—and busy reasons—a final summer visit from my father in law and prepping for homeschooling. Anyway, in the midst of that I had lots of car time so I downloaded some audio books and NOW I’m reading as slowly as folks narrative! This is driving me NUTS. It’s like TIME SLOWED DOWN and I can’t think quickly anymore! Ack!
<Deep breath> This too shall pass. Just one of those unexpected oddities, where a blessing seems to taint other blessings. (Am I allowed to put it that way? Do you know what I mean?)
Oh well. Blessed weekend, folks!
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Searching for You
Today I review Searching for You, the final book in Lutheran author Jody Hedlund’s series, Orphan Train.
Filed under Reviews
Thirty Days in God’s Word
(Sorry. My scheduled post didn’t post on time.) Yesterday CPH released Thirty Days in God’s Word: A Path of Discovery. It’s devotional and education. I almost want to call it a new sort of book. 🙂
Filed under New Release
On These Black Sands
Yay! Today Lutheran author Vanessa Rasanen releases her first book in her pirate series: On These Black Sands from her new Aisling Sea series. I’ve already read it and loved it.
Filed under New Release
Together Forever
Today’s post is a review of book number two in Lutheran author Jody Hedlund’s series, Orphan Train: Together Forever.
Filed under Reviews
With You Always
Today is the first of three reviews for Lutheran author Jody Hedlund’s trilogy, Orphan Train. Today’s book is With You Always.
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Reasons to Reason
Today I offer you a review of Reasons to Reason: Defending the Faith is Good for Christians by Lutheran author & apologist Nancy A. Almodovar, aka, the founder of Lutheran Girl Apologetics.
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Festschrift for Mark Seifrid
I just noticed in the Concordia Journal Currents that there’s a new collection of essays as a Festschrift for Mark Seifrid, professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, titled Always Reforming: Reflections on Martin Luther and Biblical Studies.
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Solus Christus: Bible Curriculum
I promise I won’t blog every new LutheranHomeschool.com release here, but I’m just especially excited about this one! Ladies & Gentlemen, I’m honored to announce the debut of Solus Christus: the Bible Curriculum for LCMS Homeschool Families, developed by Jennifer Whalen of “The Faithful Homeschool!”
Filed under Resource