Lutheran author Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard, whom you may know from his first book, Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? released his next book, Minute Messages: Gospel-Filled Devotions for Every Occasion yesterday.
I really like Dr. Richard. I hope to meet him some day. I reviewed his previous book here and he’s offered some real gems of thought & writing on his blog, PM Notes.
In fact, go ahead and click here to look at his resources. Then maybe you’re more likely to peruse the rest of his website. 🙂
I have high hopes for this book, Minute Messages. And, I mean, “for every occasion”? I have some of those! Ha ha haa
Here’s the blurb from Amazon:
In a world that is fast-paced and uses only surface-level teachings, Rev. Matthew Richard delivers succinct, meaningful devotions with an unwavering focus on Law and Gospel. With devotions going through the historic Church Year and the Chief Parts of Luther’s Small Catechism, this book will be the perfect for personal devotions, pastoral visits, and confirmation gifts.
Sounds great! Go here to get it from CPH.