This week I had a chance to read Colleen Oakes’ latest, Sister of the Chosen One. Read more for my review.
Sister of the Chosen One Review
This was a fun YA book that I hated to put down, even for a moment. The story revolves around sibling rivalry and monsters running amok in the world with a particularly sinister mistress behind them.
There are a few trendy elements in this book: a central prophecy, rotation between character narrators, and that frank kind of strong female character, you know? Those elements were handled well with minimal swearing and no graphic sexual details. Were their some gross scenes? Yes! Because more than anything else, this is a monster story! 🙂 It made sense and I didn’t find it gratuitous.
I really enjoyed this as a pleasurable escape. I thought the pacing went well and characters developed.
I don’t know that there will be a sequel. It had a really nice ending, though it was an interesting sort of world: similar to ours in some ways and exceedingly different in others. Definitely a contemporary novel. I would have enjoyed learning a little more about that world, though the story was more than sufficient.
Colleen Oakes keeps up her great work. 🙂 I’ve previously enjoyed both her Queen of Hearts series and her Wendy Darling series.