I know that updating manuals is rarely considered a good time, but that’s what I’ve been doing lately. It’s really making me think through organization, brevity, and format.
It seems to me that, in addition to responsibilities and procedures, organizations should do their best to list their assets and where to access them. I’m wondering how organizations keep passwords both private and, well, organizational.
Anyway. If anyone wants to geek out with me and offer advice, it would be welcome.

Mary, that sort of activity is definitely important.
I’m treasurer of my congregation. Thankfully, before I had a medical emergency this summer, we had someone else set up to be able to sign checks. Before I left town I was able to communicate where to find the checkbook, but they had no access to my Quicken files. The running balance in the check register allowed them to pay the bills, but I’m sure they had an interesting six weeks until I was back in town.