Today Lutheran author Rebecca Lemke releases book 1 in her latest YA sci fi series, Geneshifters. The book is titled Blood of Beasts and I was fortunate enough to receive an advance copy so you’ll find my review below.
Monthly Archives: October 2021
Blood of Beasts
Filed under New Release, Reviews
Reformation Videos
Today I offer you a variety of Reformation videos I found on Youtube. Maybe posting today lets you have time to preview them before showing ’em to your kiddies on the big day. 🙂
Filed under Resource
Stewardship: For the Care of Souls
Last month there was an interesting new Lutheran release: Stewardship: For the Care of Souls. It’s part of Lexham Ministry Guides and yet another resource prepared under the guidance of Rev. Hal Senkbeil.
Filed under New Release
A new site! Rev. Robert Mayes has started a new website devoted to his original hymn texts, translations, and HYMN TUNES, and he’s titled it Hymnastics.
The Joy of Eternal Life
CPH is releasing a great book today! The Joy of Eternal Life by Philipp Nicolai, the great Lutheran hymnwriter!
Filed under New Release
Lutheran artists, Lutheran Etsy shops, etc.
I spent quite a bit of time updating my list of Lutheran artists & Lutheran Etsy shops, etc. Care to look it over to see whether I’ve missed anyone? 🙂 I hope to have it all ship shape before Christmas shopping season is in full swing.
Filed under Uncategorized
Round Up
My schedule has just seemed exceptionally full lately. I really hope to start blogging ahead! But here’s a taste of the bloggish feast to come:
- Advent Resource Round Up
- A truly impressive Lutheran family planner that opens up for pre-orders November 1st!
- Reviews
- I hope to write up some thought I’ve had recently about the state of fiction with a few more guidelines about where I’d prefer Christian authors to remain
I know. Not the longest of lists. Really, I hope, hope, hope I can start working on my own project soon! It’s been a scattered time for me, but maybe I can cease upon November and that whole NaNoWriMo thing to churn out some words! Cuz that’s what I need: to remember that it’s ok to write a draft rather than a finished product.
Anyway. Please wish me well and I’ll continue to do the same for you.
Happy weekend!
Filed under Uncategorized
Last week or so, I accidentally scheduled an incomplete post. Sorry! So I’ll rectify that now and re-announce Mollie Hemingway’s latest book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized our Elections.
Filed under New Release
Kloria Books & Christmas Program
As you all should know by now, I love Kloria books, and I’m happy to remind you of Kloria books & Christmas program now that their latest two books are now available for pre-order and their FREE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Is now available to be downloaded at your leisure!
Go ahead and look over to be sure you have all their stuff. (I do. Absolutely.) Feel free to preorder O Come, O Come, Emmanual in English or LATIN!!!! They are set to release November 1st.
If you want to skip straight ahead to the children’s Christmas program, go here and you’ll see the link for the download.
If you prefer Amazon, you can go here, although I don’t think the CDs are there and I do enjoy the CD I have too: With Hearts United: The Liturgy and Catechism in Song.
Filed under Resource
A Christmas Courtship
Today Lutheran author Shelley Shepard Gray releases her third book in the Berlin Bookmobile Series: A Christmas Courtship.
Filed under New Release