Here’s my latest list of Lutheran books of poetry. Do you know of more I can add? 🙂 Surprisingly, however, I haven’t taken the time to add a bunch of Amazon links. Please forgive me. Just wanted to get the post up. 😀
Lutheran Books of Poetry by Author
- Robin D. Fish: Useful Hymns: Expanded Edition
- Martin Franzmann: (Technically prayers, but I’m going to list this anyway) Pray for Joy
- Kathryn Ann Hill:
- Rich in Grace: The Bible of the Poor for 21st Century Christians (ALPB, 2007)
- To You It Has Been Given (Lutheran Legacy, 2011)
- A Verse Vigil and Selected Poems
- The Song of Daniel and Selected Poems
- Now God is Flesh: Poems and Pictures for Christmastide
- The Holiest of Seasons: Poems and Pictures for Passiontide and Easter
- Anna Hoppe: Songs of the Church Year: Hymns on the Gospel and Epistle Texts and Other Songs
- Alan Kornacki: Rejoice, O Zion! Sing! Hymns for the Lutheran Service Book One-Year Lectionary and Other Occasions
- Henry L. Lettermann: The Precious Gift: The Hymns, Carols, and Translations of Henry L. Lettermann
- Mary J Moerbe: Ecclesial Poetry: Volume 1, Introduction
- Tanner Olson:
- I’m All Over the Place: A Book of Poems + Prayers + Wonderings (Sword & Swan Media House 2019)
- As You Go: Words for the Unknown (2020)
- Walk a Little Slower (Written to Speak, 2021)
- Continue: Poems and Prayers of Hope (CPH 2022)
- Kurt E. Reinhardt: My Light and My Salvation
- Andrew Richard: The Household Sonnets
- Ray Spitzenberger:
- It Must Be the Noodles & Other Wendish Stories from Mama’s Texas Kitchen
- Open Prairies: Poems of Reflection on a Life in Texas
- Tanka Schon: Poems by a Texas Wend
- Stephen Starke:
- O Sing of Christ: The Hymns of Stephen P. Starke, Volume 1
- O Sing of Christ, Volume 2
- Michelle Swope
- Through Time’s Looking Glass
- God’s Harvest
- Aurora Cantica: The Dawn of Song
- Jaroslav Vajda: Sing Peace, Sing Gift of Peace: The Comprehensive Hymnary of Jaroslav Vajda