Create in Me is my feature today. This Kloria book is just fantastic. Obviously, Kloria is on an impressive role! 😀 I’ll review it below, but I also want to point out that the illustrator, Lutheran artist H. Avery Prozenko, is an iconographer! By all means, check out his additional work at Lutheran Icons!
Monthly Archives: September 2022
Create in Me
Filed under New Release, Reviews
Father We Praise Thee
You know what I love? Sure you do: Kloria books! And I just got a shipment of three of their latest board books! Yay yay yay! Today I review Father We Praise Thee, illustrated by Lutheran artist (and teacher to my daughter!) Brianna Woelmer. 😀
Filed under New Release, Reviews
An Amish Christmas Star
Yesterday was the release day for An Amish Christmas Star by Lutheran writer Shelley Shephard Gray, as well as Charlotte Hubbard and Rosalind Lauer. I’m thinking it’s a three-part collection of Christmas novellas or short stories. 🙂 If you like Shelley Gray’s writings, you’ll likely enjoy all three.
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Words of Peace and Protection: Devotions for Women
Today CPH releases another book for women: Words of Peace and Protection: Devotions for Women with a variety of female authors.
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November 8th
I heard some happy news. You know Rachel Kovaciny? The Lutheran author who writes fairy retellings set in the West? Her next book is set to release November 8th. Yay!
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With Angels and Archangels
Here’s a happy one! Rev. Dr. Jonathan Naumann, a wonderful theologian and LCMS missionary at the Lutheran seminary in the Dominican Republic, just received a festschrift in honor of his fortieth anniversary of his ordination! It is aptly titled, With Angels and Archangels. 😀
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Pastoral & Deaconess Planners
Welp, I interrupted my life for fair week, a trip to the zoo, and my son’s ninth birthday! 🙂 Then I decided to work up both pastoral & deaconess planners that I plan to sell on Lulu some time soon. Any suggestions for those? If you’ve followed me for a year, you’ll know I’m getting pretty settled into making my husband’s pastoral planner, but this is the first year I’ve aimed for a deaconess one also. 🙂 I wonder about one for church musicians, though I’m not quite sure how I’d design it yet.
I’m also rereading Dostoevsky’s novel, The Idiot, for a book club. I’m really looking forward to discussing it. It’s such a surprisingly delightful book, even though the content is, well, as serious as ever, as Russian books can be.
Anyway, I’m wishing you a happy week, whether or not I find time to blog again for tomorrow!
PS. If you’re curious, my seven year totally scored more ribbons than me! Ha ha haa, AGAIN!
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Head Under Water
Lutheran author Rebecca Lemke has come out with her second book in her Geneshifters series: Head Under Water!
Filed under New Release
Yesterday prolific Lutheran author Jody Hedlund released her sixth book in her Knights of Brethren series: Entrusted.
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Emotions & the Gospel
Lutheran Deaconess Heidi Goehmann releases her latest today: Emotions & the Gospel: Created for Connections. Ooooooooh! Interesting!
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