Welp, I interrupted my life for fair week, a trip to the zoo, and my son’s ninth birthday! 🙂 Then I decided to work up both pastoral & deaconess planners that I plan to sell on Lulu some time soon. Any suggestions for those? If you’ve followed me for a year, you’ll know I’m getting pretty settled into making my husband’s pastoral planner, but this is the first year I’ve aimed for a deaconess one also. 🙂 I wonder about one for church musicians, though I’m not quite sure how I’d design it yet.
I’m also rereading Dostoevsky’s novel, The Idiot, for a book club. I’m really looking forward to discussing it. It’s such a surprisingly delightful book, even though the content is, well, as serious as ever, as Russian books can be.
Anyway, I’m wishing you a happy week, whether or not I find time to blog again for tomorrow!
PS. If you’re curious, my seven year totally scored more ribbons than me! Ha ha haa, AGAIN!