Rev. Richard Anton Bolland is a Lutheran author I’ve blogged about before. His latest release especially pulls on my heartstrings. As he says in the Amazon description, he’s been diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer, and he’s written a book about what the experience has been like in an effort to help others, both finding comfort and handling preparations. Hence When a Christian Faces Death: Finding Comfort with a Terminal Illness.
How appropriate on All Saints’ Day. <sniffle>
Here’s the full blurb:
Every human being has to die. Scripture tells us the reason for this universal “death sentence” as clearly as it can be said, “The wages of sin is death.” (Roman 6:23) Understanding death as an abstract concept that effects all of humanity is not the same as a doctor telling you that YOU are going to die.
On July 5, 2022, I experienced the difference between abstract and concrete notions of life and death. I was eventually diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer. The pronouncement turned by life and my family’s life into turmoil as it does for nearly every family who receives such devastating news. After lots of prayer and discussions with friends, family, and many of my fellow Lutheran pastors, I made the difficult decision not to seek any further treatment. I now have about 3-8 months to live.
As a Christian man I know my hope in is Christ. Actually, there’s really nothing else to have hope in. No office held, no income earned, no amount of good works, no position of authority, no amount of fame will mean anything if you stand in the shoes of one who is going to die. So where does one find hope? How is a dying man comforted? Where can consolation be found?
I sincerely hope this booklet will help to provide some answers to those questions from a man who hasn’t much time left. If you’re dying or you know someone who is, I pray that you will be able to face your own grave or that of your loved one with more hope, more confidence in your Christian faith, and more comfort knowing that even though your last days will be filled with good days and bad days, that each and every one of them is still a gift from God to you for which He deserves sincere thanks.
The piece is 107-pages and just released last week. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

This sounds like a “must read!”