I just found out about two different homeschoolers who have just published books! Today I’m thrilled to announce that Grace MacPherson has released her first book, The King’s Sword.
Monthly Archives: January 2023
New Year Resolutions
Having just moved this past Thanksgiving, a lot of things are still up in the air for me. I mean, I should probably find work! But I do have some New Year Resolutions and some titles I hope to read.
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Her Heart’s Desire
Today prolific Lutheran author Shelley Shepard Gray releases her latest, Her Heart’s Desire, Book One in A Season in Pinecraft.
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New Year Planners & Calendars
Happy New Year! “Rejoice! Rejoice! With thanks embrace Another year of grace” (LSB 896).
I got emailed about another Lutheran planner, so how about I actually blog this week. Today’s post can be about Lutheran planners & calendars. I think there’s a new release this week, some reviews I can write, and I should go ahead and write down my goals for this year, just to help fix them into my mind. 🙂
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