About/ Contact

My name is Mary Moerbe—Moerbe rhymes with Furby. I am an LCMS deaconess, a theologically-trained mercy worker and educator, but mostly I am at home with six kiddos, homeschooling and doing random projects. Projects answering questions like, “Where are the free Lutheran resources?!”

I really delight in seeing what Bible-believing Lutherans are doing and creating around the world. I’m happy to help raise awareness and promote their books, shops, resources, etc. Meanwhile, I think my special niche may be in encouraging writers and simply trying to live a life with the hope and comfort of Christ.

If I were to describe some of my favorite emphases of theology, they’d be theology of the cross and vocation. Mostly because they demonstrate so clearly that theology is part of everyday life. Thanks be to God that He and His Word are omnipresent!

Here’s me before six children, posed by a seminary photographer, ha ha:

Here is a more recent picture, nice and vaguely blurry:

Here’s my most recent from my deaconess installation at Trinity Lutheran Church, Blackwell!


First: Writers, and Christians in general, are not in competition with each other. There are plenty of opportunities for all of us!

Second: Writing can be a true and loving service, not just an exercise in self-gratification.

Third: Writing is a great exercise and discipline for just about every vocation!!

Fourth: Writing, by its nature and dependency upon words, pays homage to Him who crafts and gave language to us in the first place. And, those who believe in the Word of God as a means of grace are uniquely suited to see how writing can be shaped and reflective of the very Word-made-Flesh, Jesus Christ.

Submission Policy

Generally I’m happy to announce new releases by Lutheran authors. I also accept guest posts and interviews. If you’re a Lutheran author, you can also introduce yourself and your work on my blog.

Comment Policy

Have I mentioned that a belief in original sin, to me, implies no perfect writers and no necessary judgment on blogging or commenting typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, etc.? 😉

First time commenters are automatically moderated. Additional comments may be deleted to hide personal information or disrespectful content.

Disclosure Policy

I use Amazon Affiliates to provide pictures and links to books to enable easier sales and a prettier blog. If you follow links on my page, I may receive a small commission with zero additional cost to you. Also, because I want to raise awareness for Lutheran authors and their books, fiction or non-fiction, I may ANNOUNCE a book I have never read, but I will always reserve REVIEWS for my own personal opinions & experiences. Beyond an occasional free book, I receive no reimbursement or profit from endorsing or reviewing.

My disclosure policy is restated in the side column of my website, although it is not explicitly mentioned within every post.

I may dabble in AdSense as I’m learning. Please let me know if you think I’m doing something I ought to avoid or fix.

Privacy Policy

This blog does not share or store personal information beyond fulfilling subscriptions, storing comments, and replying to the contact form. Go here to request access to your personal data.

Contact Mary Moerbe

Want to be listed as a living Lutheran Author? Do you know about resources to share? Or resource projects you’d like to see happen? Let me know! Any other thoughts, questions, or concerns? Let me know! I’m also on Facebook:

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