Living Lutheran Authors

Are you curious about living Lutheran authors? Looking for Lutheran novelists? Poets, hymnists, or any other kind of Lutheran writer? Me, too.

Below I am pleased to be building lists to raise awareness of all sorts of living Lutheran authors. I mostly feature those who may be flying under the radar, using smaller publishers or self-publishing. (Alphabetized by last name)

Comments and suggestions are welcome to keep this list up to date and accurate. Writers of all genres are welcome, including academic work. (Names of recently deceased Lutheran authors can be found here, although so far that list is minimal.)

You can also help by spreading the idea of Lutheran novelists, poets, hymnists, proofreaders, editors, etc.. Give their books as gifts. Donate books to your local library or, even better, write something yourself!

PS. If you are a Lutheran writer looking for Lutheran freelance proofreaders, editors, illustrators, indexers, etc., I have a page for that, too.

Living Lutheran Authors

(Again, this list mostly supplements Lutheran denominational publishers.)

Children’s Books (Young children)

Children’s Books (Elementary-ish children)

Children’s Chapter Books

Copy Writers (Not copy editors! These are folks who may do corporate writing, grant, writing, marketing text for websites, brochures, etc.,)


Alternative History


Cartoonists/Comic Book/Graphic Novels

Chic Fic

Coloring Books

Contemporary/Uncategorized/Multi-genre Fiction

Crime Thrillers






Modernized Bible Stories

Modern or Retold Fairy Tales



Sci Fi

Sea Stories

Super Hero Themed/Genetic Mutations


Young Adult


(Be sure to look under Recreation Non-Fiction. It isn’t yet the largest section, but some hard-to-classify gems are listed there.)

American Church History



Church History

 Cookbooks, Cuisine, Home Care



Education (Not published by a denominational publisher)


Ethics (Also see Prolife below)/Science



Journalists/Magazine Editors

  • Mollie Hemingway
  • Mark Hemingway
  • Joy Pullmann
  • Emily Sue Olson
  • Ray Spitzenberger
  • Holly Scheer
  • Dr. Wallace Schulz of GOOD NEWSwhich is used throughout the world as a teaching and missionary tool, currently printed in 18 languages.
  • Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, former religion editor of United Press International, remains an international columnist and blogger. His books are well-worth looking into.

Lay-Friendly Theology

The Legally Trained

The Medically Trained

(On) Music and/or Musicians

Men’s Ministry

Modesty/Chastity/ Purity Movement

Mourning & Suffering


“The Paranormal”/Possession

Poets & Hymnists (Also See Songwriters*) (April is National Poetry Appreciation Month)

(Also note my page on Theological Poets)

Pro-Life Writers or Writings

Click here for a list of Life Issue works suggested by Lutherans for Life.

Racial Issues

Recreational Non-Fiction


Sex, Sex Ed., Sexual Identity 

Authors are below, but you can also find a list of compiled resources from a Lutheran perspective here.

Songwriters* (Also see Poets & Hymnists)

*Writers were categorized as songwriters if that’s how names submitted them to me. I haven’t formulated any necessary distinction between songwriter, poet, or hymnist.


Theology (outside denominational publishers)

Women’s Ministry/Bible Studies (Obviously see denominational publishers for more!)



So many living Lutheran authors and I am confident there are even more out there! 🙂

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