I have a manuscript about ready for me to work up a proposal. It’s another children’s book, and the largest hurdle, as always, will be image ideas. What amuses me some is how I have my husband read it through for theological concerns and then my oldest daughter for readability. 🙂 This time she had me add back a few words I’d crossed out! LOL Not all but some.
Category Archives: My projects
Luther’d have trouble, too
Usually I pride myself on being a reasonable person. Sure, I kind of try to do it all–I aim for Superwoman. Still, yesterday I was very depressed about my project and trying to be a writer in general. My kind, calming husband pointed out that Luther’d have trouble, too, these days.
Filed under As Christian Writers, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
I am so torn about whether the illustrations in children’s books need to have an overarching story in and of themselves or not. SO TORN!
Filed under My projects
Outside Lutheran publishing
When I pursued my MA in theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, sometimes I’d get annoyed at all the non-Lutheran books we were reading. I wanted to read all the good stuff before I had to discern other lenses. I’ve learned a few things since then. First, a person needs to discern no matter who the publisher is. Second, some people look down on books from outside Lutheran publishing no matter what. Lutherans can be so “Lutheran-focused” that good stuff can slip right by.
Blowin in the Wind
The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind. Seriously. You just have to understand the sentence–and the question!–differently.
The post gets better. Trust me.
Wanting My Magnus Opus
I’ve been craving more writer community lately. I daresay I’m not alone in that! Do any of you hang onto an idea for years and years, hoping a certain project or two could become your magnus opus? But, um, not put any work into it? I’m just wanting my magnus opus and prayerfully stewing a while. Sigh.
Filed under My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
My first “novel”
I hereby embrace my inner weirdo. I just found notes I wrote for my first “novel” when I was a kid. (Yep, in a box of papers spilling out in my mother’s garage: making an entrance.) Here is it for your amusement! Unabridged and, so help me, unedited. Except for the girl’s name. That I’ll spell consistently and correctly!
Filed under My projects, Writer's Life
Unexpected genre
I like dreaming big. And, whenever I’ve thought about getting into fiction, I’ve known what genre I wanted to write. Precisely. I mean, I have a narrow vision that captures me pretty spookily. Except. It seems like the cosmos have conspired against that for the time being. Now I’m thinking about trying a genre I’d always respected but personally sworn off. Am I crazy? I think I may go for it. I mean, 🙂 I’d sure tell you to go for it, if something grabbed your attention for a spell, planned or otherwise!
Still, what do you think? Should I start my first attempt at a novel in a new-to-me genre? Should I type up previous notes instead? Should I outline or just write away?
I’m excited thinking about writing regularly again. Making a good, old-fashioned go of it! Sure, I’ll have days of despair and knocking my head against my desk, but, well, I’d have those days anyway! 😉
I’ve been editing for a spell. Imagine a great big whoosh as I sigh in relief that I’m thinking elsewhere now.
Happy writing!
Filed under Inspiration, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Writing about Sleep
Does it sound dumb that I kind of want to try my hand writing about sleep? It wouldn’t exactly be about sleep. I actually think it’d be an interesting angle to see just how applicable biblical theology is.
Filed under My projects, Theological reflection, Writer's Life