I saw a recent recommendation that seemed timely. It was for Dr. Darrell Zimmerman’s book, Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Clergy Wellness. (Dr. Zimmerman works for LCEF/Grace Place Retreat Ministries.)
Category Archives: Resource
Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry
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Lucky To Be Lutheran
I stumbled on a Lutheran title for you: Lucky To Be Lutheran: The First 101 Reasons Why, written by LCMS author Dennis C. Brewer.
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Holy Week Resources for 2022
When I posted Lent resources this year, I think I mentioned trying to do something similar for Holy Week. I’m actually a bit surprised I didn’t find more Holy Week resources, but maybe this list can keep growing. So, today’s post: Holy Week Resources for 2022. 🙂
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Weekly Books of the Bible
This morning I finished up a project. 🙂 That feels good! It’s a homeschool schedule for high schoolers that may also interest you and other adults. Basically, I put together a schedule for reading entire books of the Bible once a week.
Filed under My projects, New Release, Resource
Lutheran Parenting or Education Blogs
Can you help me crowdsource? I’m looking for whatever Lutheran parenting or education blogs you know about. I want to compile a free resource list for LutheranHomeschool.com.
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Here’s a neat find! Lutheran author Madelyn Rose Craig has designed and is selling blank journals on Amazon! She has reading journals, notebooks, and church journals (hard cover & paperback!)! Great!
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It was a sad moment, seeing a new title now available from Lutheran author Walter Wangerin Jr., who died last August or so. Still, one especially worth mentioning here: Storycraft: The Art of Spiritual Narrative.
Filed under As Christian Writers, New Release, Resource
Lenten Resources 2022
Time for my Lenten Resources 2022 post. I’ve got some great ones from the past and several new finds!
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Updating my Lutheran Writer Support page
It came to my attention that I had a bunch of broken links on my Lutheran Writer Support page. Sorry about that! Honestly, folks just don’t always keep websites anymore. Anyway, I’m updating it & found a neat little gem for you!
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Liturgical Calendar 2022
I’m a little late on this one, but CLTS, St. Catharines, like many other seminaries, makes a liturgical calendar for pastors, altar guilds, and more to hang on their walls. The calendar contains liturgical festivals for both the one-year and three-year lectionary series. Anyway, if you’d like to print your own, they offer the digital file for free here.
I know I find my CTSFW calendar super handy, so I’m glad this move by the Canadian Lutherans helps liturgical calendars become more widely, rather than less widely, available, even if it means finding a way to print color pages. 🙂
Which reminds me, I may as well also point out two liturgical calendar options of a different sort from Lemon Creek Press: a free craft video about drawing the church year (in a pie chart) and a more detailed $4.99 Illuminated Liturgical Calendar which admittedly also needs a color printer.
Blessed Epiphany! Our family has some serious sniffles going on. Thankfully it isn’t Covid or flu, but I do hope my kids wake up with their coughs gone so we can go to service tonight!
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