Resources for Writers

I hope my blog is full of resources for writers. Feel free to search keywords or categories. I also write posts specifically answering questions, if you’d like to you the contact form below.

I’m happy to include living Lutheran authors (presuming you’re a resurrection- and Real Presence- believing Lutheran) to my Living Lutheran Author Page. Or, if you work in writer-related fields, such as editing, graphic design, layout, etc, I can add you to my Lutheran Freelance Writer Support.

Guest posts introducing Lutheran authors is welcome, as is release information. On occasion, I receive review copies and review, although I can’t actually promise reviews in a timely manner.

You may also be interested to know there are a number of Facebook Groups for Lutheran Writers, including Writing (LCMS) Lutheran, Lutheran Fiction Writers Guild, Guild of Lutheran Writers, and Lutheran Authors/Writers. Admittedly all of them can be quiet.

Resources for writers

Other ways I can help?

Lutheran author Rebecca Lemke has a helpful book, titled Content: How to Find Balance in Life When the World is At Your Fingertipsand it’s very helpful with introductory and persevering advice for content creators. You can also find some advice for budding authors from Lutheran indie author, CM Healy.

Otherwise, feel free to ask. 🙂 Contact me below, comment, Facebook, etc.

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