Category Archives: Poetry

Open Prairies

A new release from a Lutheran poet! Ray Spitzenberger has published another book of poetry, Open Prairies: Poems of Reflection on a Life of Texas!

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Filed under New Release, Poetry

The Twenty-Third Transversed

Today’s post is inspired and fundamentally relies on the Twenty Third Psalm. This poem is an application and transversed wording in free verse for recent circumstances. (Transversed* means situated across something.) It’s a little less based on sheep & shepherd, but I hope it will comfort you with the Word of God applied to life and these days. 🙂 Let me know what you think.

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Filed under Poetry

Pandemic Poetry & More

Ladies & gentlemen, I’ve had a few ideas. First off, I’d like you to consider whether pandemic poetry could be a service you offer to others. If so, you may want in on this project: a bunch of Lutheran poets working to put together a book of original poetry to publish here & possibly even a book on Amazon.

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Filed under Poetry, Resource

A Poem for an Unprecedented Day

Today’s post is “A Poem for an Unprecedented Day” by Lutheran author and pastor Craig Stanford with a brief introduction from him.

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Ecclesial Poetry Release

Ladies & gentlemen, I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book, Ecclesial Poetryis now available!

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Filed under Hymns, My projects, New Release, Poetry

Updating Christian poetry page

I’m updating my Christian poetry page! I already mentioned the latest poetry book that got my attention, The Soul in Paraphrase: A Treasury of Classical Devotional Poemsbut now I get to tell you about even more.

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Filed under Poetry, Resource

Apples are Apples

Not everyone likes poetry and that is fine. At the same time, maybe we can admit that we often like to read rhyming scripts to our kiddos. We like how little lessons can seem a little more learnable. Now, poetry is not always for the sake of learning. Self-expression is the big genre these days, but that is far from refuting poetry as an educational tool. And, as a tool, it can plant a seed, hack a weed, or dig down deep. But, what does that have to do with apples?

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Filed under As Theological Writers, Poetry

Poetry fighting heresies

I’ve had two totally great ideas this weekend. I just hope I remember them!!! Because, while I did do a bunch of outdoorsy work on our first beautiful day in forever, I did NOT get the writing done I thought I would! But, please, (don’t steal this!) tell me: what do you think about poetry fighting heresies?

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Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, My projects, Poetry

Breaking the Silence

Today I get to share a heartwarming, informative podcast episode titled “Breaking the Silence.” Do you know Mike Rowe’s That’s How I Heard It Series? It’s pretty new to me, but my husband’s been listening to quite a few episodes lately. This one in particular caught my attention.

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Filed under Poetry

Church Year Poem

I’ve been thinking about poetry as a genre and writing some myself. I may even put together a book of it, just for fun. I’m thinking the title could be something like Theological Connections. Anyway, here is a post that caught my attention with its explanation and summary of the church year in poetic/hymn form. I’ve printed the poem up and think I’ll use it for homeschooling. Thanks, Robin Fish! (And, readers, if you’ve forgotten, now’s a good time to check out Rev. Fish’s book, Useful Hymns (Expanded edition published in  2017).

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Filed under Poetry