I’ve had an idea–and I’m sharing that idea, although I’m not entirely sure whether it’s a possible project. I wonder if people could glean images and metaphors from the New Testament and incorporate them into a new sort of devotional psalter, like New Testament Psalms. Replacing the Book of Psalms? No!!!!! Making a part II that could, in any way, equal the authority, strengths, and beauties of the Book of Psalms?? No!
Category Archives: Poetry
A bit of free verse today, inspired in part by last Sunday’s Bible study. (Yep–it’s still on my mind.) I tried to follow both literal and figurative stones in Scripture to that Stone who was, in a sense, stoned into His tomb and then resurrected to be the Cornerstone, the Living Stone and Rock of our Salvation.
Filed under As Theological Writers, My projects, Poetry
A Verse Vigil
Lutheran poetess and hymn-writer Kathryn Ann Hill has her sixth book now available: A Verse Vigil and Selected Poems.
Filed under New Release, Poetry
God’s Harvest
Michelle Lynn Swope—who I introduced to you regarding her first collection of poetry, Through Time’s Looking Glass—has now released another collection to surprise, encourage, and ease your cares, one poem at a time: God’s Harvest.
Filed under New Release, Poetry
Medicine for the Soul
Sometimes I have poetry ideas, taking novel approaches to important religious things and then twisting it in an unexpected way at the end. For instance, my latest: comparing the Lord’s Supper, the medicine of our soul, to medicine that children seek out.
Filed under Poetry, Shared Writing Ideas
Random sacramental poem
Random poem of mine I found in my many scattered notes about the Sacraments/Means of Grace. 🙂 I won’t hold my breath that this will be helpful, but we can encourage each other to tinker, too, can’t we?
Filed under As Theological Writers, Poetry
Prelude to Postlude
I had a string of good writing days. Sadly, that stopped. Oh well, here’s another neat Lenten resource. It’s nothing to give up as a discipline. Rather, it’s something to add. I think it’s an excellent idea, especially for writers and word people like us. So, with little more prelude . . .
Filed under As Christian Writers, Hymns, Poetry, Resource
Two Lutheran Valentine Poems
Happy Valentine’s Day. Here are two Lutheran Valentine poems I whipped up for the occasion, one from a wife, one from a husband. (We’ll also see if condensed versions score any votes at the Sister, Daughter, Mother, Wife‘s annual Valentine Contest.) And, whether you are wed or not, may you ponder the love of Christ for His Bride, the Church, even as it affects us everyday and is memorialized and active in God’s Word and Gifts, on this day and always.
Reading Gaol
The other day my darlin’ asked for a reading suggestion. After looking through a few newly-unpacked books, I returned downstairs with some choices for him and a treat for me: The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. My reading for the night was “The Ballad of Reading Gaol“.
Filed under Poetry
Useful Hymns
Useful Hymns by Lutheran pastor and poet Robin D Fish is now available in a second, expanded edition. It contains 200 hymns “for worship, prayer, and instruction in the Lutheran church, school, and home.” I look forward to seeing it and trying them out!
Filed under Books to Purchase, Hymns, Poetry