I found another Lutheran author for you: C.M. Healy! He has written quite a few children’s books and now he’s released his second work of YA fiction.
Tag Archives: children’s books
C.M. Healy
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Bless This Mess
Today’s post is a review on Lutheran Lori Ehlke‘s first book, as author and illustrator no less (!), Bless This Mess. To sum up briefly, it blessed this mess, which is me.
Filed under Reviews
Augustine the Hippo
I meant to blog this last week! How did I let so much time slip by?! Want to read a clever and cute children’s text posted on another writer’s blog? Let me introduce you to Augustine the Hippo.
Filed under Shared Article or Blog Post
These days when I’ve sat down to write, I find myself puzzled. I have ideas in a few different genres and projects at various stages of progress. You’d think I could sit down and write what I want, right? Somehow it isn’t happening that way for me right now.
Filed under Writer's Life
Sometimes, instead of google, I’d like my old hometown library within reach. I knew those sections so well, I’d be able to walk through and scoop up tons of books for me and my kids now. Instead, I’m often left googling and Ama-zoning without resolution. For example, there was this kids’ book I really liked. There was a boy, a telepathic-to-him dragon (?), a weird bathing in blood that caused the telepathic link/ special connection, and I seem to recall some random reference to a human skin map on the wall of some dodgy place. This is not google-friendly language. I think it was a three part series but don’t really have any idea.
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Kloria’s Two New Reformation Books
I got a press release from Kloria Publishing about Kloria’s two new Reformation books: A Mighty Fortress is Our God and Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word. I’ve written about Kloria and their previous release, God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It, and I’m thrilled to say the excerpts of these illustrated hymn texts look just as good!
Filed under New Release, Resource
Ball keeps dribbling
I thought I was heading into a good time and place. I practiced and prepped. Got myself looking good on paper and sent in a proposal to an agent. I was going to post about how good it feels to have the ball in someone else’s court for a while! Sigh. Nope. The ball keeps dribbling.
Filed under Publishing, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Who Chooses Illustrator?
When working toward a children’s picture book, who chooses the illustrator? Many traditional publishing houses prefer to pick one from previous projects. That way they can pair a better known name with a lesser known name and try to maximize visibility and lend experience to both. On the other hand, you may know people the publishing houses do not. If you do, then “who chooses the illustrator” can become a factor in where or how to publish.
Filed under Publishing, Question Asked, Writer Troubles
Wanting My Magnus Opus
I’ve been craving more writer community lately. I daresay I’m not alone in that! Do any of you hang onto an idea for years and years, hoping a certain project or two could become your magnus opus? But, um, not put any work into it? I’m just wanting my magnus opus and prayerfully stewing a while. Sigh.
Filed under My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life