Julie Stiegemeyer is, by all accounts, someone I should have met. Maybe I have. She even looks familiar! Do you ever feel that way? I think we even lived in the same city for a spell! Anyway, Julie Stiegemeyer has long been an author my friends have turned to for children’s books (high praise in itself), so today I’ll review When Someone Dies Find Comfort in Jesus.
Tag Archives: children’s grief
When Someone Dies (for children)
Small Sibling Loss
Edit: A Lutheran book has just been published! I’ll review it as soon as my copy arrives! Woo hoo!
There has not been a recent death in my family, but I’m curious about finding good resources. Do any of you have any book recommendations to help little ones with the loss of an infant brother/sister? Due to miscarriage or anything else? You know, small sibling loss? Below are a few suggestions from a deaconess friend, but we haven’t found one from a solid Lutheran perspective yet.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Shared Writing Ideas