This will be one of at least two posts happily inspired by CPH’s soon-to-be-released A Flame in the Dark: A Novel about Luther’s Reformation by LCMS author Sarah Baughman. Today I’ll talk a little about Lutheran settings (and point out the GoodRead giveaway for her book!!).
Tag Archives: CPH novel
Lutheran Settings
Filed under Books to Purchase, New Release
The Story People
I’m admittedly catching up on the CPH novels. Therefore, our review for today is on
The Story People by Heather Kaufman. First, I need to preface this. Heather Kaufman is a talented Christian writer, but she isn’t on my list of Living Lutheran Authors. She happens to not be Lutheran. Having said that, I’m happy to review a good book, and I think it’s good for us to know what Lutheran publishing houses are publishing in terms of novels.
Filed under As Theological Writers, Reviews
The Messengers: Discovered
My mother has inspired me to try to read 10 CPH books for their Read Like a Lutheran program (instead of just going with lesser-pointed books). It adjusted my reading list, bumping up The Messengers: Discovered by Lisa M. Clark. Boy, am I glad it did!
Filed under Reviews
Grace Alone
Today I offer you my review of Grace Alone, one of the CPH novels released this year, by Ruth Meyer.