Analogies have limited uses in theology, at least as far as I can tell. Even so, uses there are. Allow me to introduce an analogy of unsecured porches and extensive picture windows.
Tag Archives: creation
In the Beginning, God
Today’s post is a brief review of In the Beginning, God by Dr. Joel Heck, who has served on at least two respected Concordia faculty.
Filed under Reviews
The Creation, the Fall and the Promise
I thought I successfully watched Grail Quest Books for their new Lutheran releases, but I failed regarding a particularly spectacular spectacle: The Creation, the Fall and the Promise. Creation, fall, promise in one text with some absolutely breathtaking artwork by Lutheran Kelly Schumacher of Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts!
Filed under New Release
Aren’t Creative?
Sometimes people don’t write, because they think they aren’t creative. I’d like to encourage them–and you–to write anyway.
Filed under Writer's Life