I have several reviews to write up about books by Lutheran authors, but my thoughts for today are about The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, authored by a member of an (Eastern) Orthodox church (I don’t recall the particular Patriarchate.)
Tag Archives: cultural commentary
The Benedict Option
Filed under As Christian Writers, Reviews, Theological reflection
Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World
How did I miss knowing this release date?! Ok, one day late, at least this way I can take someone else’s post about it! 🙂 Yesterday, a new Lutheran book hit the market, written by Gene Veith and Trevor Sutton: Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World.
Filed under New Release
The Unholy Trinity
Ages ago it seems, I mentioned a new release and I’ve finally gotten around to reading it:
The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther Against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I by Rev. Dr. Michael A. Lockwood, an Aussie/ LCA pastor who received his doctorate through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. In short, this book is absolutely fantastic.
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Filed under Reviews
Tagged as awesome footnotes, cultural commentary, gods, idolatry, Martin Luther, source of good