I found another Lutheran author for you: C.M. Healy! He has written quite a few children’s books and now he’s released his second work of YA fiction.
Tag Archives: fairy tales
C.M. Healy
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Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Summer is a wonderful time for reading, not just as individuals but also as a family. Here is a book written by LCMS Pastor Tyrel Bramwell: Finding the Truth in Story: Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Vol. 1. I asked him to write a few words for a guest post today to let us know a little bit more about the book.
Sisters Grimm
Ack! Something totally cool came to my Inbox and I totally forgot about it!!!! The ladies and gentlemen at Black and White Publishing Company are putting together a dark fairy tale anthology, written solely by women. Please, please, consider this awesomely fun opportunity to write for “Sisters Grimm”! And, help spread the word!
Filed under Publishing, Shared Writing Ideas, Writing Exercises
Uses of Enchantment
Ok, I was a bit remiss in a previous post and a friend alerted me to it. If we’re going to talk about fairy tales, we should really include a recommendation for The Uses of Enchantment.
Filed under Resource