There is another great Lutheran children’s book on the market now: God Loves Me Such That He Would Give by LCMS Pastor Gaven Mize. He and his wife, Ashlee, started working on this while they were expecting their precious firstborn (awwww), but now it’s a great gift for any child!
Tag Archives: Grail Quest Books
God Loves Me Such
Filed under New Release, Resource
Angels’ Portion, Volume 3
How does Pastor Christopher Thoma do it? He has now released his third whisky commentary: The Angels’ Portion, Volume 3: A Clergyman’s Whisk(e)y Narrative! And, commentary it certainly is, although it’s as much on life as any adult beverage. Well . . . actually, it is quite a bit about whisky/whiskey and scotches, too. 🙂
Filed under New Release
My Little ABC Liturgy Book
I know I announced the release of My Little ABC Liturgy Book by Rev. Gaven Mize back in the spring, but now I’ll give you my review. 🙂 (I’m on a role for writing reviews! Yay! It’s been a while in coming—I meant to review this back in April!)
Filed under As Theological Writers, Reviews