Last year I posted about Lutheran author and historian Warren R. Schmidt. (Go here to see that post about two of his previous books.) As timing would happen, I missed the publication of his third book, Wittenberg ’04: Coming of a Railroad, so I’m rectifying my omission now. 🙂
Tag Archives: Lutheran history
Wittenberg ’04
Filed under New Release
+Carl Schalk+
Professor Carl Schalk, a beloved Lutheran professor and composer, died last week. I didn’t have the heart to write up a post about it then, but then Rev. Martin Noland wrote up a lovely Facebook post about him that included some good links.
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Catechetics: Fixing Confirmation
LCMS author Rev. Lincoln Winter, who blogs at “Predigtamt: Musings of a Circuit Riding Parson,” has now released Catechetics: Fixing Confirmation!
Filed under New Release
Patrick’s Places
I found out about a neat Lutheran find! Patrick’s Places: Patrick Hamilton’s Distinction Between Law and Gospel, Faith and Works, released January 9th by editor Don Matzat with introduction from LCMS Pastor Jordan McKinley. Lutheran roots of the Reformation in Scotland!!! AWESOME! AND INEXPENSIVE! 🙂
Filed under New Release