My summer reading is varying pretty wildly by this point. Oklahoma is hot. The family needs a vacation, and there are so many boiling-point topics that I’m just about fried. (Mixed metaphor, but I don’t have the energy left to fight or deny it!). So I added one of Bryan Wolfmueller’s free PDFs to my Kindle: And Take They Our Life. Here’s my review.
Tag Archives: martyrs
And Take They Our Life
Filed under Reviews
A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World
Yay! It’s a release day for what promises to be a fabulous book! A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World by Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller can now hit your shelf!
Filed under New Release
Patrick’s Places
I found out about a neat Lutheran find! Patrick’s Places: Patrick Hamilton’s Distinction Between Law and Gospel, Faith and Works, released January 9th by editor Don Matzat with introduction from LCMS Pastor Jordan McKinley. Lutheran roots of the Reformation in Scotland!!! AWESOME! AND INEXPENSIVE! 🙂
Filed under New Release