Here’s something neat: an LCMS pastor, Rev. Kirk Triplett, recently earned his doctorate, researching pastoral mental health. In particular, he studied their positive mental health as influenced by the actions of church members. Interested yet? 😉 Now he’s written a book, Affirmed: Building the Positive Mental Health of Your Pastor, and he has started a kickstarter to raise funds to get it into the best shape possible.
Tag Archives: mental health
Hmmm . . . congregational or synodical resources on wellness. I’VE GOT THIS!
Filed under Resource
Mental Health
Mental health. Everyone has it. Somehow that message from Deac. Heidi Goehmann struck me as really chock-full of perspective! And, yes, while it’s a message for everyone, I think it’s a message specifically for writers, too.
Filed under Characters, Writing Tips
Luther on Depression
I’m excited about a new book: Of Good Comfort: Martin Luther’s Letters to the Depressed and their Significance for Pastoral Care Today. Martin Luther on Depression! I personally don’t know much about Stephen Pietsch, but what a great idea for a timely book.
Filed under Resource