My review of Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service by
Scot Kinnaman.
Tag Archives: middle schoolers
Worshiping with Angels and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service
Filed under Reviews
Ordering Our Days
Today’s review is on Ordering Our Days in His Peace: An Introduction to the Christian Church Year by LCMS Pastor H. R. Curtis.
It’s something of a follow up from my review post here from last week. (This is probably the format I’ll use when I actually post the reviews to Amazon & GoodReads after I wrap up with the third.)
Filed under Homeschooling, Reviews
Behold the Lamb: An Introduction to the Signs and Symbols of the Church
Ok. I have a number of similar reviews coming up. Basically, they’re books I’ve been wanting for my kids and happily received for Christmas. 🙂 First in line is Behold the Lamb: An Introduction to the Signs and Symbols of the Church by LCMS Deaconess and Editor Pam Nielsen.
A Hero’s Curse
Today, I intended to post about theological poets, but that has to be postponed. I’d like my dad’s feedback on it, but he’s off traveling. Meanwhile, I introduced P.S. Broaddus just over a week ago, and now I’m ready to review the first book in his series, A Hero’s Curse (The Unseen Chronicles Book 1).
Parker Broaddus
Today’s new-to-us Lutheran author is Parker Broaddus, aka P.S. Broaddus, a former student of my folks! (Seriously, Parker, when I mentioned your name to my mother she was so happy to think about you, your family, your brother . . . high and fond praise!).
Filed under Uncategorized
The Messengers: Concealed
Today I’ll post a review of The Messengers: Concealed, the second volume of The Messengers Series published by Concordia Publishing House. Then you can expect a review of The Messengers: Revealed either Monday or Tuesday. 🙂
Filed under Reviews
Called to Defend
Christians are called to defend the faith. Saint Paul put it beautifully when he described himself as “put here for the defense of the gospel” (Philippians 1:16b). But that doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from guidance and support, not only for ourselves but for all ages. So please welcome onto the scene Called to Defend: An Apologetics Handbook for the Middle School Student.
Filed under Reviews
Under the Bridge to the Seeds of Light
Here is a real find for you: Lutheran Pastor Philip J Rigdon has two novels out (Under the Bridge to the Seeds of Light and its sequel Lewis Warner Finds the Doom Prophet, Under the Bridge Part II). AND, he has put together a study guide/curriculum for teaching reading and writing for it to middle and high school students! Free resource and Lutheran novels?! LOVE IT! For more details, see his guest post below:
Filed under Resource