It’s a release day for Lutheran author & poetess Madelyn Rose Craig! You may remember her from her book, Names, Nations, and the New Testament or from her awesome blank journals, but today we celebrate her book of poetry, Where the Moss Grows Old. Isn’t that a lovely image already?
Tag Archives: poetry
Where the Moss Grows Old
Filed under New Release, Poetry, Reviews
Metrical Index
Have you ever wondered about the Metrical Index commonly found in hymnals? Let me explain.
Sometimes Words Don’t Come
My friends. Sometimes words don’t come. They just refuse to fall into place, despite every good intention, moment of peace to write, and even that clarity of thought which otherwise bodes so well!
Filed under Writer's Life
Apples are Apples
Not everyone likes poetry and that is fine. At the same time, maybe we can admit that we often like to read rhyming scripts to our kiddos. We like how little lessons can seem a little more learnable. Now, poetry is not always for the sake of learning. Self-expression is the big genre these days, but that is far from refuting poetry as an educational tool. And, as a tool, it can plant a seed, hack a weed, or dig down deep. But, what does that have to do with apples?
Filed under As Theological Writers, Poetry
Poetry fighting heresies
I’ve had two totally great ideas this weekend. I just hope I remember them!!! Because, while I did do a bunch of outdoorsy work on our first beautiful day in forever, I did NOT get the writing done I thought I would! But, please, (don’t steal this!) tell me: what do you think about poetry fighting heresies?
Filed under As Christian Writers, As Theological Writers, My projects, Poetry
Church Year Poem
I’ve been thinking about poetry as a genre and writing some myself. I may even put together a book of it, just for fun. I’m thinking the title could be something like Theological Connections. Anyway, here is a post that caught my attention with its explanation and summary of the church year in poetic/hymn form. I’ve printed the poem up and think I’ll use it for homeschooling. Thanks, Robin Fish! (And, readers, if you’ve forgotten, now’s a good time to check out Rev. Fish’s book, Useful Hymns (Expanded edition published in 2017).
New Testament Psalms
I’ve had an idea–and I’m sharing that idea, although I’m not entirely sure whether it’s a possible project. I wonder if people could glean images and metaphors from the New Testament and incorporate them into a new sort of devotional psalter, like New Testament Psalms. Replacing the Book of Psalms? No!!!!! Making a part II that could, in any way, equal the authority, strengths, and beauties of the Book of Psalms?? No!
Filed under As Theological Writers, Poetry, Shared Writing Ideas
God’s Harvest
Michelle Lynn Swope—who I introduced to you regarding her first collection of poetry, Through Time’s Looking Glass—has now released another collection to surprise, encourage, and ease your cares, one poem at a time: God’s Harvest.
Filed under New Release, Poetry
Useful Hymns Review
In the fall of last year, (LCMS) Rev. Robin D. Fish released a great book: Useful Hymns: For Worship, Prayer, and Instruction in the Lutheran Church School and Home. I blogged about it back then and now I happily offer my Useful Hymns review.