Lutheran poetess and hymn-writer Kathryn Ann Hill has her sixth book now available: A Verse Vigil and Selected Poems.
Tag Archives: resurrection
A Verse Vigil
Filed under New Release, Poetry
Unless I See
I had two unexpected thoughts today, once in Bible Study discussing the Passover and the other during the sermon. You know how Thomas says, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe”? (Admittedly, I’m more pro-Thomas than many.) It occurred to me that here is a profound reliance upon the Incarnation. While Thomas should have believed from Jesus’ own words, surely we can understand him doubting the manic-and-rather-paranoid disciples.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection
Deathbed Scenes
It’s been a weekend of ideas for me and I’m happy to share. I’d be really interested in reading more deathbed scenes written by Lutherans. In particular, it struck me that unbelievers, or even irregular attenders, may have no idea how wrenching it can be for a believer to watch death approach a loved one.