Sometimes I just want to get lost in a good book. Or a good long stretch of consecutive books. 🙂 Other times, of course, I want to write! The desires aren’t mutually exclusive, of course, but it’s hard to find time to do both! How do people find time for everything?
Tag Archives: scheduling
Time for Everything?
Filed under Writer's Life
Wild Ideas and the Steady Hand of Vocation
We have an excellent guest post today from Lutheran speaker, blogger, and pod-caster extraordinaire, Angie Wagner. One of her favorite topics is vocation (!), and her post today is ever-timely for us writers: Wild Ideas and the Steady Hand of Vocation. Check it (and her website) out!
Filed under As Christian Writers, Writer's Life
Reading vs Writing
Sickness is sweeping through my family and I’m tired of the noise of television. But why do I turn to reading vs writing?!
Filed under Writer's Life
Another Luther Christmas Quote
I’m taking it easy with this post today. Below is a link to an article post about another Luther Christmas quote. 🙂 Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to take things easy, resting in God’s care especially in that most physical of considerations, the Incarnation!
Filed under As Theological Writers
Got Time?
I’m smitten with this article on The Busy Person’s Lies. I keep thinking about it. Sometimes I’m affirmed, sometimes condemned, but more often it fills me with a delightful sense of wonder: what if I’ve really got time?
Filed under Writer's Life