CPH has a new release I am excited about. Rev. Dr. Michael Lockwood has written a book, The Unholy Trinity: Martin Luther against the Idol of Me, Myself, and I. Coming from a full-time pastor and doctoral scholar, this is sure to suit those of both studious and curious interest. May it be a great tool and gift of the church!
Tag Archives: sin
Me, Myself, and I
Filed under Resource
Attitude as Style
The other day I did things that were “extra” good with the kids with an attitude that didn’t match. Sin stinks. Anyway, it struck me that writing is sometimes like that, too, if we just translate attitude as style. Good content and a good project, but the tone spoils the effect. Sigh. Sin.
Filed under As Christian Writers, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Negative Elements
With my kids, my use of the phrase “negative elements” covers many things: vulgar or coarse language, fighting, vanity, greed, childish wickedness, etc. They’re all eight and under so they have no clue just how negative elements can get. My oldest actually asked me to define it once, and I was unable to. We talk about negative elements, they see them on shows, but there are just elements I don’t want introduced unmitigated in their hearts, souls, and minds! Writing, however, is often all about negative elements!
Filed under As Christian Writers
Mary Sue
Lutheran writer Lars Walker posted a great piece over on Patheos.com as part of the Patheos Public Square on Myth, Imagination, Fairy Tales, and Fantasy. And Faith., titled, “Mary Sue the Barbarian: Mining our Inner Evil.” In it, he explores character formation in light of what we know to be true: actual evil!