Ladies and gentlemen, just the other day I discovered a 2019 summer Bible reading plan suitable for families of all ages. Great! I thought. Fantastic! And now I’m so excited to tell you about Book of Concord reading plans!!! Including summer reading plans!!!
Tag Archives: summer reading
Book of Concord Reading Plans
Filed under Reading List, Resource
CPH Reads 2019
CPH’s summer reading plan, CPH Reads, started as of May 25th!
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Lutheran Reading
I have a plan! Monday I hope to post a Lutheran reading challenge! It won’t be all academic either.
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Summer Reading List
I have some randomly interesting books lined up to read this summer so I thought I’d share. It’s a partial list, and it’s not guaranteed I’ll actually get through it, but maybe it can help you with a summer reading list, too. Especially if you like random finds and random topics. 🙂
Filed under Writer's Life
Summer reading isn’t just for grown ups, so I’ve been selecting a few titles to read to the kiddos. Recently we picked up Matilda from our local library, trusting that Roald Dahl could stimulate imagination and lead to a few good conversations.
CPH Summer Reading Program
I feel like I should plug this sooner rather than later, so here we go. Concordia Publishing House is having another CPH summer reading program: Read Like a Lutheran 2016.
Filed under Possible Prizes
Issues, Etc.
Summer reading lists. Who am I kidding? We’ve probably gone past lists to piles next to bookshelves. Or, as my dear friend Madelein puts it, we’re working on our PhDs: Piles heaped Everywhere! Even so, why not learn about more titles? Am I right? So today I recommend the Issues, Etc. book of the month archives. (Scroll down to the very bottom of the linked page.) Continue reading
Filed under Resource
If you’re looking for a little extra Lutheran influence on your summer reading list, have you considered BookTalk? It’s available through KFUO (radio station 850 AM if you’re in the greater St. Louis area or online worldwide).
By the way, KFUO remains the longest continually operating Christian radio station in the United States (Thanks, Wikipedia, for backing me up on this one.), and it is owned and operated by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Filed under Resource