I’ve been back in the throes of writing poetry, so you’ll pardon me if I keep things a bit short and extra even-keeled over here. 🙂 Back in February, I posted a piece on church worker wellness resources. Well, I hadn’t gotten to say that there was an LCMS project to provide online devotions for church workers on areas of vocational, relational, financial, and emotional wellness.
Tag Archives: wellness
Hmmm . . . congregational or synodical resources on wellness. I’VE GOT THIS!
Filed under Resource
Vocation and Wellness
Today’s post is a review of Lutheran (medical) Dr. John D. Eckrich‘s first book, Vocation and Wellness: Renew Your Energy for Christian Living. And, by first book, I mean first of three! Well done, Dr. Eckrich!
Filed under Reviews
Mental Health
Mental health. Everyone has it. Somehow that message from Deac. Heidi Goehmann struck me as really chock-full of perspective! And, yes, while it’s a message for everyone, I think it’s a message specifically for writers, too.
Filed under Characters, Writing Tips
Help Church Worker Wellness
This post is particularly for LCMS church workers or their families about a project that may be able to help us all, rostered or otherwise. 🙂 Heidi Goehmann is helping to put together a collection of 30 free devotions to help church worker wellness within the LCMS. There will be a synod church worker wellness site offering them as free PDFs and then everyone can benefit! The premise is worker-to-worker, hence the restriction on who writes for it.
Vocational Wellness
A hearty congratulations to Dr. John D. Eckrich on the recent release of his book, Vocation and Wellness: Renew Your Energy for Christian Living! Who wouldn’t like more vocational wellness in their lives? I learned about this via Facebook in an informal review by a man I very much respect, so I’m happy to highlight it for you today.
Filed under Reviews