A conference speaker once talked about how multitasking doesn’t really work. She argued that multitasking really means that we’re distracted no matter what task is at hand. Yeah, I have six children, nine and under. I cannot not multitask. So, I told myself, I’ll just focus on whatever is at hand. I’ll serial task. Still, that’s pretty much resulted in serial multitasking.
Category Archives: Writer Troubles
Law & Gospel for Writers, Part IV-Freedom
Our next installment in our Law & Gospel for Writers series will look at more of the vocation-y side of things. In Part II, we looked at binding. Today, Part IV will look into its opposite: freedom.
Build a Culture
I visited my folks and caught a glimpse of the Masterpiece Theater show Victoria. It looked quite good, and there was a lovely scene of a young Victoria singing while her husband tries to accompany her on piano. It struck me just how much culture and entertainment have changed. So I ask you, if you could, how would– or could–you build a culture differently within your family? Neighborhood? Novel?!
Progress Indicators
I hope by now I’ve established that I want to encourage you, especially to write. Now, sure, I’d like to sell a few books along the way so now and again I look up things about “author websites” and blah blah blah. Well, A) apparently I’m not going to be giving any advice about “author websites,” and B) it’s apparently a thing to have progress indicators.
Filed under Marketing, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Almost Published But . . .
Almost published but . . . waiting to hear back from a publisher, struggling to find pre-readers, struggling with editing, shaking your fist at your website, etc.
Listen, it’s ok. “Almost published” has a few of its own unique struggles and burdens. Still, it’s ok.
All sorts of things can prevent you from finally holding your professionally printed work in your hand. It’s still ok.
I want to let you in on something you likely haven’t thought about. Once you’ve been paid for something, you’re technically a professional writer. What is sometimes glossed over is that sometimes you get an advance only to have your contract pulled. It’s happened to more people than you probably realize. 🙂 Mostly it’s an example of how economics and professional writing conflict! It’s still ok! You should keep writing and plugging away at the publishing game!
You may not have a lot of readers, but I bet each one of you has a reader if you write so much as a letter.
You may not have perfect grammar or an editor’s eye, but I’m glad you’ve taken the time and energy to put your words down. You have succeeded at sharing!
Shaking your fist? I’ve been there many times. Might I suggest a cup of something nice? Or some tension-relieving? 😉
Almost published is great. Seriously. It’s an accomplishment. Sure, you may want “published,” but if Jesus returns while a book is en route to its author for the first time . . . it’s still better that Jesus has come. 😀 Whether or not pre-readers have finished, publishers have gone through their submissions, etc.
Come, Lord Jesus.
In more materialistic news, CPH is having its yearly warehouse sale November 2nd through November 6th. I always start browsing the Not Quite Perfect section first. (It’s around all year, but somehow I forget about it.) I’m sure it’s purposefully in time for all our Christmas shopping.
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Luther’d have trouble, too
Usually I pride myself on being a reasonable person. Sure, I kind of try to do it all–I aim for Superwoman. Still, yesterday I was very depressed about my project and trying to be a writer in general. My kind, calming husband pointed out that Luther’d have trouble, too, these days.
Filed under As Christian Writers, My projects, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
Outside Lutheran publishing
When I pursued my MA in theology at Concordia Theological Seminary, sometimes I’d get annoyed at all the non-Lutheran books we were reading. I wanted to read all the good stuff before I had to discern other lenses. I’ve learned a few things since then. First, a person needs to discern no matter who the publisher is. Second, some people look down on books from outside Lutheran publishing no matter what. Lutherans can be so “Lutheran-focused” that good stuff can slip right by.
Ball keeps dribbling
I thought I was heading into a good time and place. I practiced and prepped. Got myself looking good on paper and sent in a proposal to an agent. I was going to post about how good it feels to have the ball in someone else’s court for a while! Sigh. Nope. The ball keeps dribbling.
Filed under Publishing, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
I’m not afraid to admit I’m reading the book, How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind. Seriously, who can blame me? But what I really appreciate about these tips is that they are applicable to a lot more than decluttering!
Filed under Writer Troubles, Writer's Life
My Why
A sentiment/scenario was sent in and it really resonates with me: “I’ve forgotten my why. I can’t seem to grab hold of it for more than a few minutes and then it slips away.”
Filed under As Christian Writers, Inspiration, Writer Troubles, Writer's Life, Writing Tips