Category Archives: Writer’s Life

Spread Too Thin?

When one becomes accustomed to being spread too thin, how does one regain a proper sense of . . . whatever it even is to not be spread thin? Saturation? Ratio of opportunity to needs?

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Filed under Writer's Life


“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers,” Anne of Green Gables

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Filed under Writer's Life

In a Review

What do I, as an author, want to read in a review? I am happy to tell you and, as always, to encourage you to leave reviews at Amazon, GoodReads, CPH, etc!

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Filed under Reviews, Writer's Life, Writing Tips

A few other things

Ladies & gentlemen, I hope yesterday’s post, “Time for Everything,” was encouraging. 🙂 I’ll admit I should add just a few other things on the topic.

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Filed under Writer's Life

Time for Everything?

Sometimes I just want to get lost in a good book. Or a good long stretch of consecutive books. 🙂 Other times, of course, I want to write! The desires aren’t mutually exclusive, of course, but it’s hard to find time to do both! How do people find time for everything?

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Filed under Writer's Life

Writing Partner

Sometimes I wish I could have a writing partner. Well. Ok. Often I wish I could have a writing partner.

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Filed under Writer's Life

I can’t seem to finish . . .

I can’t seem to finish. I have articles I want to write on sort of family/ educational/ cultural stuff, and even projects on the very verge of completion! But, again, I can’t seem to finish. YET . . . 

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Filed under Writer's Life

Starting Over

The irony of starting over with this post after a storm interrupted me! But sometimes starting over seems to plague me. I try to get more steps in, but before I approach better shape it seems like I have to start over. Not a few times. All the time. I try to be better in my vocations and it’s the same way. Every school year. Every Lent or Advent. Et cetera.

Honestly, I can get pretty down because of it.

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Filed under As Christian Writers, Theological reflection, Thoughts to remember later, Writer's Life

Sometimes Words Don’t Come

My friends. Sometimes words don’t come. They just refuse to fall into place, despite every good intention, moment of peace to write, and even that clarity of thought which otherwise bodes so well!

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Filed under Writer's Life


I’m back! My family and I were off on a fantastic trip to the CCLE conference in River Forest, Illinois, (CCLE stands for Consortium for Classical Lutheran Educators) and then we were off to visit relatives near Niagara Falls. It was tremendous! 😀

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