Lutheran Writers’ Blog Roll

Here is a Lutheran Writers’ Blog Roll, available as another resource for those seeking community with Lutheran writers. Ok, it’s also another way to let Lutheran authors speak for themselves.

My admittedly unenforceable rules for inclusion:

  • While this list isn’t denomination-specific, it is specifically created for Lutherans who affirm creedal Christianity (including the Virgin Birth and bodily resurrection), and the hermenutic of Scripture interprets Scripture.
  • No sermon-only or congregation specific blogs.

Feel free to send me names and websites to expand this Lutheran Writers’ Blog Roll! (It’s easy for me to forget to update this list–whoops!)

Blogs from Lutheran Fiction Writers

Blogs from Lutheran Non-Fiction Writers

Multi-Author Blogs

  • The Beggars’ Blog: “Commentary on the Intersection between Theology and Everything,” written by a network of Lutheran pastors.

Blogs from Lutheran Publishing Houses

So many Lutheran blogs to choose from, yet so few Lutheran writers blogs? We shall see; we shall see.








And here is an irrelevant paragraph just to boost the google-ability of this page. Word counts matter, people. Apparently. 😉 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WELS), Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC), Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), etc. Getting closer to that magical 300 number that google appreciates. Closer and closer. Closer and closer. Maybe this is dumb and immature. Is it cheating? Playing a game? I know: it’s literally stringing words together, but I suppose that is one thing a writer and a blog that encourages writers should be able to do, even on the whim of Internet algorithms!

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